I've been hearing a great deal about the Modern Paleo Diet lately. there is a lot of controversy around it, but some claims by its proponents are highly intriguing. Chief among them a reduction of inflammation, particularly later in life. This is huge, as inflammation causes a lot of problems. Arthritis is the most obvious, but it also plays a role in things like cardiovascular (heart) disease.
The big problem is this diet does away with grains and legumes. That means wheat, barley, lentils, beans and rice are out. A quick look at my recipes would show why that is a big issue for me. There's also the turnoff that many Paleo sites stress very simple dishes. Again, you know I like rather complicated recipes. And then there's the whole low-carb, high-protein stuff to consider, especially since Paleo advocates favor animal proteins over vegetable ones (naturally, as legumes are out).
I decided to experiment a bit anyway. But I won't be posting any recipes while I try out Paleo or Paleo-like dishes, and while I research the whole thing further. The recipes I post here must meet all my standards for taste and quality, but also of nutritional value.Since my focus so far has been low-fat, I need to know more about Paleo before I change focus.
I may post updates periodically. But don't count on it. Whatever else happens, I should resume posting next month.
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